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Stanford Sporadic Psychometrics Seminar

Stanford Sporadic Psychometrics Seminar (SSPS) is a virtual seminar run 3-4 times per year focused on current research in psychometrics. The seminar series is organized by Prof. Ben Domingue. Future communication about the SSPS seminar will be handled via infrequent communications from this listserv. If you would like information about future seminars, please subscribe to the mailing list.

Upcoming Seminars

VEMIRT: A Family of Variational Methods for Multi-dimensional IRT Applications -- Chun Wang (University of Washington)

In psychological and behavioral science, the increasing availability of rich survey data and the emerging needs of assessing multifaceted constructs pose great challenges to existing techniques used to handle and analyze heterogeneous assessment data. The multiple-group multidimensional IRT (MIRT) model that relaxes strict measurement invariance assumption is a viable psychometric tool to establish commensurate measures for the constructs of interest. To calibrate this model more efficiently, we developed a family of innovative Gaussian variational expectation-maximization (GVEM) methods. In this talk, I will briefly introduce GVEM followed by two latest developments, including (1) using a multiple-group GVEM with regularization to detect differential item functioning (DIF); and (2) combining GVEM with a novel penalty to detect intersectional DIF. I'll share applications of both methods.

Time: Nov 21 @12PM Pacific Time

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An Introduction to Network Psychometrics -- Sacha Epskamp (National University of Singapore)

Recent years have seen a rise in the network approach to psychology: modeling human behavior as a complex system of interacting psychological, biological, and sociological components. This approach has since been utilized in various topics of psychological research, such as mental health, attitude formation and intelligence. While the approach originated from a complex systems point of view, it has since inspired new psychometric modelling frameworks that are made available in open-source and accessible software packages – Network Psychometrics. Network psychometrics is both an alternative to and complementary with traditional psychometric modeling techniques such as Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). In this seminar, I will introduce network psychometrics and showcase some recent applications of psychometric network modeling, such as meta-analytic modeling of multiple datasets and separating within-person dynamics from between-person relations in longitudinal panel data.

Time: March 5 @4PM Pacific Time

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